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Summer 2020

Our first cohort ever! To combat the impacts of the pandemic on summer opportunities and student learning, Dr. Pleuni Pennings and members of the CoDE lab created the first rendition of the Science Coding Immersion Program (SCIP). 

Cohort Overview



Of the participants who participated in the pre- and post-program surveys, 89% of participants are majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Biochemistry or work in one of those departments. 

In SCIP Summer 2020, over 50% of our participants were undergraduate students. ~38% were graduate students and ~10% were faculty, staff, or post-bacc students.


No coding experience was required to join our program. From our participant demographics, >75% of our participant population had 1 semester or less of previous coding experience. 


Fucsia Background

I loved how much it was focused on self-driven learning at your own pace. There was no immediate pressure to understand something at any particular moment. This took the pressure off of grasping more complicated subjects.

Blue to Cream Gradient

I enjoyed the very collaborative and supportive environment. We were able to use Slack to reach any of the large number of people within the program and got to work with our team, plus anyone else in the program was open to provide advice or help.

Blue Background

I liked that we had our own small teams, it made learning code less intimidating. Having a support team and someone to guide and ask questions to is really important when learning how to program.

Meet The Team


Pleuni Pennings

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Co-founder & Faculty advisor


Olivia Pham

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Co-founder & Webinar Facilitator


Rochelle-Jan Reyes

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Co-founder, Logistics Administrator, & Team Leader


Niquo Ceberio

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Co-founder & Document Coordinator


Candace Clark

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Co-founder & Team Leader

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