Fall 2020
Our Fall 2020 program aimed to support a cohort of BIPOC students from all around the world in their adventures in learning how to code for their research and careers in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Cohort Overview
Of the participants who participated in the pre- and post-program surveys, 89% of participants are majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Biochemistry or work in one of those departments.
In SCIP Summer 2020, over 50% of our participants were undergraduate students. ~38% were graduate students and ~10% were faculty, staff, or post-bacc students.
No coding experience was required to join our program. From our participant demographics, >75% of our participant population had 1 semester or less of previous coding experience.
Overall, I thought this program was a great start in my journey of learning R. I was able to set aside time each week to actually work on problems instead of pushing it off for later. It was also nice being in a group with other BIPOC students working on R.
I loved that it was a "go at your own pace" environment because some weeks allowed for more time to focus on Udacity than others. It was less stressful than having to worry about weekly assignment deadlines.
I absolutely LOVED this program and continue to communicate with the people in my group to this day. We all agreed to stay in contact and exchanged information to be able to follow one another as we advance in our careers.