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We are enrolling for the EEB BIPOC program until June 9th 2023. You can sign up if you are a student of color in California with an interest in ecology or evolution 


SCIP is free, online, and low-stress. 

SCIP will look good on your resume and you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program. 

We offer tracks in R for beginners, Python for beginners, ImageJ, and Image analysis in Python. 

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Computer Keyboard

Our Cohorts

Every SCIP cohort is different! Our wonderful community of cohorts range from SF Bay Area students to students all around the world. Undergraduates, post-baccs, masters students, PhD students, and post-doc students as well as faculty and staff make up our wonderful community. No matter where you are from or what academic stage of life you are at, we are here to support your learning of coding!


Scroll down to look at our previous cohorts!


In 2023, we will run SCIP with two cohorts. First for SFSU students in biology and chemistry, we will offer 4 cohorts (R, Python, ImageJ and Image analysis in python). Next, for BIPOC students in Ecology and Evolution, we will offer R and Python tracks.


In 2022 we had two cohorts of the SCIP program. The first cohort ran from May 31st to July 8th. It had a record number of 6 tracks: R, Python, Bioinformatics, ImageJ, Image Analysis with Python, and MCAT. 

The second cohort was focused on BIPOC students in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) and had only the R track.


Winter SCIP 2022 had 12 teams, 12 team leaders and 67 participants.
55 People got certificates of completion.
We hosted 2 amazing webinars. 

The WinterSCIP 2022 Slack Channel has 2,300 messages!” 


This year, we're kicking off SCIP with a partial redesign of the program! The Summer 2021 program is for all Bio and Biochem students in SF Bay Area colleges and universities to learn how to code. Summer 2021 cohorts got the option of taking part in one of THREE offered languages: R, Python, or ImageJ! In addition, participants in R groups will be offered specially-made SCIP videos for R basics!


Our second cohort consisted of students from all around the world! Students from SF Bay Area to North Carolina and all the way to Ghana participated in our virtual program to learn the R programming language. This Fall 2020 program was designed with BIPOC students interested in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. 


Our first cohort consisted of San Francisco State University students as well as REU Summer students, ranging from undergraduates to masters students and faculty and staff. We held opportunities to learn beginner R and Python courses via Udacity.

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